Our Location : Drummond Island, Michigan

29 March, 2019


At the heart of any event is its location, and we have searched the Great Lakes Region to find a place that is as unique as the knowledge and skills GLTAG offers. Drummond Island, located at the mouth of the St. Mary’s River in beautiful Northern Lake Huron, is a true gem of the Great Lakes. The island holds an array of some of the most breathtaking natural features and ecologically pristine habitats in the region with endless opportunities to explore, adventure, and learn. To learn more about the wonders of Drummond Island and view maps, please visit the Drummond Island Tourism Association’s website. Some features of the island include:

  1. Expansive wild rice beds

  2. Rare alvar glacial ecosystem

  3. Pristine boreal and deciduous forests

  4. 300 million year old fossil ledges

  5. Access to Lake Huron and St. Mary’s waterway

  6. Dozens of near-shore historic shipwrecks

  7. Fascinating cultural, historical, and archaeological sites

  8. Outlying island nature preserves within paddling distance

  9. Wide array of natural habitats that support many unique and rare species

The GLTAG site is located on the quaint and secluded

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